Sunday, July 11, 2021

Perhaps Now


 PERHAPS NOW by Lynn Marie Ramjass 

Note: I wrote this back in March of this year 2021.


Perhaps now the people will realize the importance of more hospital beds, equipment, and staff.  Perhaps now the government will admit the shortage of doctors and nurses existed long before this crisis hit and how little prepared most people are for catastrophes.

 Perhaps now the people will see and learn the interconnectedness of all persons and occupations and understand the six degrees of separation. Perhaps now there will be a renewed respect and appreciation for the ambulance driver and paramedic who drove you to hospital, to the orderly, who pushed your gurneys from ER to your ward.

 Perhaps now the maintenance workers who clean and sanitize the hospital, cafeteria workers, vending machine suppliers, those who produce and deliver the supplies and so on and so forth. Perhaps now you will see them and learn their names.

Visualize the world around you and how many people whose paths cross one another the moment one leaves the house.

Perhaps now many will stop devaluing one another, appreciate one another and see what affects one affects us all. 

Perhaps now the people will take the time to ask someone their name. Or how they can help and not just send thoughts and prayers. For faith without works is dead!

 Perhaps now, many will learn what and who truly matter in life and what every human being truly needs; perhaps then do what is needed to meet those needs.

 Perhaps now social issues like health, food, affordable housing clothing, education will get the much-needed attention, revisions and care will be given for the people and by the people because the people demanded it.

Perhaps now the priorities will change. Perhaps now there will be less need of a huge house, a four-car garage, fancy cars, clothes, and huge bank accounts.

There will be less need to build so many condominiums and monstrous houses most people cannot afford anyway!  Perhaps now the focus will shift and the people will think about more affordable housing and use land for more farming and community centres and services.It takes a village.

 Perhaps now the arrogance, greed and selfishness of the few will be replaced by the compassion of the many. Perhaps what is good for one culture may just work in another and apply such methods. We can and should learn from one another.

 Perhaps now many parents will find more time to really see, get to know and appreciate their children, grandchildren, and families more. 

Perhaps there will be a new respect for stay-at-home moms and dads and teachers, as working parents are forced to spend time with them at home and consider it a blessing, whereas previously they were too preoccupied and too tired before.  Perhaps they will learn less is more and give up working themselves into an early grave in trying to keep up with the societal notion that success is measured in currency. None of this matters! You can not take possessions  with you other than the memory of the love you both shared and received. Success is measured in loving, long lasting relationships! 

 Perhaps people will learn how quickly things can change in a heartbeat. Perhaps now the people will learn and have a renewed understanding, respect and appreciation of one another and all things and the planet.

Perhaps the PEOPLE will rise, roar, and revolt! 

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