Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Art Means to Me


Artist Lynn-Marie

Art Keeps Me Sane

by Lynn Marie Ramjass

August 28, 2021
Have you ever read a book that compelled you to keep turning the pages to the next chapter until you finished the book? Or read a poem even a single stanza; or a love letter that was so well written; it touched you so profoundly, the words so powerful your heart constricts and expands? 
In reading such words, it is as though fingers reached within you and literally massaged your heart? 
The effect sometimes like a wistful kiss on your forehead, or a passionate full kiss on your lips? Words often have a power to leave you breathless and an indelible print on your mind. Some words are so deeply moving, you wept. Some words remain seared upon your heart and memory. They are words you will never forget. Words have the power to lift, to heal, to wound, and to destroy. Some words will scorch our souls and leave the marrow of our bones dry.
Have you ever listened to music, a symphony, perhaps an opera, or a song, where you did not understand the lyrics, but its haunting refrain, the melodious echoes reverberated in your brain? The emotion, the timbre in the voice, where you felt the artist depth of pain? Their sorrow and heartbreak somehow mirrored your own? Where it plummeted you into the deepest, darkest, despair? Or had other songs power lifted, inspired, and carried you to heights of pure ecstatic, unadulterated joy?
Have you ever watched two dancers bodies merge so completely, beautifully, gracefully, as in a ballet; where the dancers seem like feathers floating, flitting, across the stage?
Have you ever visited an art gallery and seen a masterful painting up close and personal? So overcome by the depth, breadth, width, and  magnificance of it, your mouth fell agape, your heart skipped a beat, amazed by the patient,  passionate, talented artist creation? Have you fully examined a sculpture scrupulously every line, every curve, every texture? Can you imagine the blood,  sweat, tears, time, heart, mind, and soul that went into it on the part of the artist?
Have you taken the time to examine the contours of your beloved's face and body? Breathed in the full essence of them and committed the totality of them to memory? Are you creative, artistic, imaginative, bold enough to attempt to capture it in a work of art yourself?  
Have you thoroughly examined the wonderous works of art, the beauty and majesty within your daily life?
Have you ever loved anyone so deeply, so passionately, you lose as Jane Austen wrote all "sense and sensibility?" Every word, thought, and action is on and for the beloved? 
Have you studied, the nape of the neck, the curviture of the spine, the round, fully formed firm breasts and buttocks? Have you experienced such extraordinary beauty and passion, the longing it stirred so deeply within you, it left you breathless  and weak in the knees?
Do you allow yourself to bask in these incredible moments of being-these moments of living, learning, and loving? To see, feel, smell, touch, and taste life with such vigor and intensity? To accept, to share, and to feel such overwhelming gratitude,  for these incredible gifts?
Do you see the beauty all around you? Do you seek and find it in others, and within yourself? Or are you much too busy or far too lazy to look?
Have your senses been so dulled, blinded, muted, by sorrow, pain, bitter disappointment and disillusionment, so focused are you entirely on what you have lost, rather than what you still have, or yet to gain and or  discover?
The arts are wonderous, beautiful, majestic, and often cathartic avenues. They are a means of connecting with others, the world and ourselves. The arts represent both the light and the dark sides of human experience and passion. They always have and they always will.
Lynn Marie Ramjass

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