Thursday, November 10, 2022





"For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; but then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12.

I do my best to understand unempathetic human beings. No matter how much I may despise their actions. I am ever mindful we are all imperfect being human. And far too many of us are lost and lonely. I don't delight in the misery of others. It is not my nature to inflict further pain, or to be vindictive when I am the recipient of such.

No one is immune to grief and sorrow. It is part of the human condition. We cannot control what others think of us, their beliefs, politics, and especially whom they love. It matters not to me when we cross paths on this long and often arduous journey your:  race, colour, creed, age, status, education, gender, sexual orientation or whatever. I will treat you with kindness, respect, and authenticity as a human being.

My boundaries are firmly in place. I know myself, my light and my shadow. What matters to me is how you treat others and how you treat yourself. If you really truly know, see, and hear yourself? 

How do you handle pain? Do you treat people as you'd like to be treated? Do you shame, judge, laugh at them in person or online? How do you react to, or respond to misunderstandings? How do you handle conflict? How do you deal with loss? What are your core values? What do you think is most important in life? What would make you happy? What is your final narrative? What is your story? 

These are what I share, listen to, and learn from the many who cross my path, in life and online. 

No matter how long the encounter, there is always a lesson, a challenge, or an opportunity for growth. 

I can sit in a circle with you, meet you where you are at, in the light of the noon day sun, or the dank, dark bowels of hell. I'll listen to your story, fully present. And as we sit in the dark, I'll hold you; if you will allow me in person, or through the wonders of the internet.  

I know this darkness, that dark night of the soul. The fear that all is forsaken. And to feel so lost and hopelessly alone.  When the kindness of a solitary stranger shines a light where it hadn't been before. 

We aren't here to hurt, insult, judge, control, and destroy one another. But to love, help, guide, and heal. I've met many who do not know love or trust it. Never having properly received it.

It is these hurt people who hurt. Who in their pain lash out blindly and irrationally towards others including those earnestly trying to help. 

Some are the architects of their own destruction. Whereby they tend to blame others for their own misfortune.

Miserably unhappy, angry. and bitter they go out of their way to make others' lives miserable too. Those persons most difficult to help are the  manipulative, deceptive, and who those who employ "gaslighting" and other psychological tactics to get their way. 

It is as though they are stuck in a deep hole, and when handed a ladder to pull themselves out. They  continuously push it away. Then there is little others can do, when they willfully refuse to help themselves.

Therefore, one cannot blame those who have lost their patience, energy and eventually must walk away. They leave for their own self-preservation. 

Rarely, have I done this in my personal life or online. It is never an easy decision for me to make. But once it's made that's it! 

They had my time, attention, energy, and in some cases friendship (at least the potential for it). I have no reason to feel guilty for having let go. I feel pity! Nothing more!

 It is then I allow the universe, in its vast, mysterious, cosmic glory, and infinite wisdom to attend to them. A firm believer in karma, the collective consciousness and prayer. Since my words are of interest to many. One must be mindful of who protects us in the spiritual world. 

Lynn Marie Ramjass

November 9, 2022.

University in My Forties and Fifties

  I began university in September 2002, the year my maternal grandmother died. In fact, the day she passed July 5th, 2002 I had dropped my e...