Wednesday, July 24, 2024

University in My Forties and Fifties

 I began university in September 2002, the year my maternal grandmother died. In fact, the day she passed July 5th, 2002 I had dropped my entrance letter in the mail box that morning before heading home after I'd done groceries.

I went to university part time in my forties and graduated in my fifties. I have always been a deep thinker, a voracious reader and maintained an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

I am especially grateful for having taken a variety of elective courses outside my major English Literature. These courses have benefitted me throughout my adulthood. It has afforded me the ability to see beyond the scope of my own understanding. Courses such as: world history, women's studies, different cultures literature, world theology, philosophy. I learned to welcome and appreciate those many souls who crossed paths with me on a daily basis and engage them in conversation.

I thrived on sharing my passion for art, literature, and other subjects with others both within and outside the classroom. Able to welcome and appreciate deep intellectual conversations with persons across the globe thanks to SM social media and my MH mental health support groups.

Each year, my circle expands and includes more diverse cultures and groups of people. My first day of philosophy class I came home with a massive headache. but an appreciation and love of Socrates.  

"The unexamined life is not worth living" 

Full Circle


                                                        Photo by Lynn Marie Ramjass

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive." Anais Nain

The following is a poem and letter I wrote inspired by actor and activist Jennifer Beals and her work on the television series Lword and GenQ. She recently referred to the rebooted series GenQS2 as coming "Full circle." The comment left fans perplexed as to what she alluded to. 
Did it mean hers and Laurel Holloman's characters Bette Porter and Tina Kennard would finally come full circle and reunite once again? 
Or did it mean something entirely different? 
Though it remains to be seen. I wrote my definition of what coming full circle entails in a meaningful, long lasting, loving relationship. As my forty three year old marriage means to me. 

The following is my truth, heart, soul, and experience in a such a relationship.

Copyright @ 2022 by Rebel Iris Publishing

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Dear Ms Beals:

Undoubtedly, when I wrote it last year in its original form (not expecting it to ever be published) and posted it on FB and on Twitter, I ran the risk of others claiming it as their own. I just wanted to put it out there.
It came to me after your post regarding GenQ S2 and the words: 
"It's all coming full circle Bette." 
Since such time it was originally written it has since been edited and published. 

I was  surprised by how quickly the words flowed as I committed them to paper. I thought of my own marriage and the relationship of Tibette in the Lword and the many long-term marriages I know of personally. I thought of my sister and others who never knew romantic love (to love and be loved in return) as I added the last sentence. I wept as I wrote it. 
In my heart I honestly hope the full circle comment indeed occurs and means what it implied regarding the Lword Gen QS3

However, this dark cloud looms as the future of Tibette is uncertain. It seems lost as the ship has already dashed against the rocks and beyond repair. Not at all what so many fans globally expected, needed, or wanted. This divorce grieves Bette as well as the millions of loyal Tibette fans. Watching Bette repeatedly suffer has been grievously difficult for us all. It is as though reliving my parents, best friends and other valued relationships divorces all over again. 

I wanted to point out that so many fans are not gay but love and appreciate the show too. Those who understand “Love is love” and we cannot control whom we fall in love with. This show is important to them as well. Proper representation of long-lasting committed relationships matter. Especially in the LGBTQIA community!

Personally, in my humble opinion, having Tibette divorce has proven the right wing ultra conservatives correct in their assumption that gay love is “less than” and cannot compare with the love between a man and a woman. My husband Ian and I would beg to differ. Tomorrow marks our forty-third wedding anniversary and my husband’s 70th birthday. We have been together forty-five years come Remembrance Day, the day we met. (11/11) 
I am sixty-four years old and with him since I was a shy, awkward teenager of nineteen.

I came across the original Lword series on Showtime only this summer in June. Having watched it numerous times myself and at my encouragement, my husband began watching it too only last week. Today he is on Season three. He, like so many millions of fans globally has become a Tibette fan.
I want to remind you of the extraordinary impact this show had and continues to have not only on the LGBTQIA community, but on straight open-minded and kind-hearted couples as well. 
The genuine love and chemistry between Tina and Bette outshines all the other SL’s in the show. It revealed the love between women as lovers, friends, and their lives trials and tribulations. It included intense drama, real life situations, and comedy. I commend all the actors and love each of them. However, what stood out most of all, the heart, soul, and magic of the OG show itself was the love story and chemistry between Bette and Tina.

Never in all our years of watching television have either of us seen a more compelling, beautiful, and touching love story. Ian agreed the love scenes between Tibette reflected genuine love and were magnificent and tastefully done. It was more than sex. If sex were all the audience wanted to see they could watch porn. And this was so above and beyond such. It was unique and beautifully, exquisitely, and gracefully portrayed.
All the characters story lines were fabulous. But Bette and Tina made the show historic. It was epic because it revealed a long lasting, loving, often heart wrenching and tumultuous genuine relationship. Yours and Laurel Holloman's acting was sublime. I personally believe you and she both deserved an Emmy, as did the show itself. 

I have not the heart to tell my husband, what happens to Tibette in the new reboot series. Or how it has crushed the hopes of so many Tibette fans.

Lynn Marie Ramjass

Update: August 31st, 2021

Ian is now up to speed and also finished GenQ both seasons. We have watched and discussed it in great detail. Team Tibette all the way!!

In closing, I want you to know if not for this show, the original series, I would not have come to terms with my own sexuality. And for the first time in our long relationship. my husband I talked about it. Had I not watched that series I doubt I would have ever made this realization. 

Enclosed: The Tibette fans thus far who have read the above and agree with my thoughts. With their permission I include their names and assure you that there are still thousands of Tibette fans globally loyal to and rooting for Tibette.

Chicki Vee
Traci Lyn
Al Exandra Bo Ck
Sue Paul
Sharron Mudd
Marylina Massetti
Achg Achg
Wurburi Gues
Kat Russ
Penny Nicholas
Michelle Thornton and her husband Richard married  31yrs. (Michelle shared how the Lword and specifically Tibette relationship has helped she and her husband's marriage!) It helped mine as well more than I can possibly relay here. 
Phyllis Chalmers and her partner 39 yrs together
Marlene Gray
Bridget McCay 28 yrs with her partner.
Donna Eddy
Anthoula Bozios
Gladys Richards
Bibi Jessie Groen
Emily Kershner

University in My Forties and Fifties

  I began university in September 2002, the year my maternal grandmother died. In fact, the day she passed July 5th, 2002 I had dropped my e...